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Online Marketing Classroom - Learn How to Build an Online Business Through Traffic and Converting Offers
 - NEWSFLASH : - Getting traffic from SEO is great but if you want to earn serious money by going beyond just SEO, then here's...

 " Every Trick and Tool that Took Me to Half
a Million Dollars a Month in Online Sales... "

Plus : How I went from being $90,000 in debt to $100,000
in cash by the end of my first year in business

From the desk of Aidan Booth
Buenos Aires
 Dear Friend,
Let's cut right to the chase -- no matter whether you are starting an online venture or already have an established business, there are three critical components you need in place in order to stand any chance of success. And they are...
See, the reality is that no matter what you are doing... if you have an effective roadmap that allows you to master strategy, traffic and conversions, then you WILL make money, and lots of it - EVERY SINGLE TIME.

But unfortunately most people struggle to build their businesses because they FAIL at one, two or even all three of these components. Here are some common reasons why...

People tend to ignore strategy and focus on random marketing 'tactics'. But tactics without strategy will lead you to a dead-end.
Rather than trying to achieve an automated flow of everlasting website traffic, people tend to look for temporary pockets of fast exposure.
Too many people disregard conversions... but without a solid conversion plan in place, any traffic you get will ultimately translate into ZERO profit.

...So if you are unsure as to where you are going wrong, or can't work out why you're not consistently increasing your income each month, I'm willing to bet that issues with strategy, traffic and conversions are very likely the cause.

Why I know financial rewards can
been seen exceptionaly fast 

Believe me, I know this for a FACT.

Let's roll back the clock 10 years for a moment, and I'll tell you exactly why...
I still remember the endless nights that I would work on my Internet business, burning the midnight oil until the early hours of the morning.

Every day would be the same grind... I would be working until 2 or 3am... then go to sleep... then get up a few hours later to do a little more work... then go to my full-time job... then get back home, and start all over again. It was absolutely brutal to be perfectly honest - perhaps you can relate?

I was trying absolutely everything I could to make money...

Auctioning digital memory cards on Ebay.com... selling flowers online... building numerous Adsense sites to make a few bucks.... I even launched a directory listing for "Tango dancing classes" and tried to earn cash from selling paid ad placements!

Mix that in with a number of MLM's and "business opportunities", I basically attempted everything there was in order to make ends meet.

Even though I was generating pockets of income, essentially I was flailing about, jumping from one opportunity to another, desperately trying to find the magic bullet that would make me my fortune.

...but unfortunately this magic bullet continued to evade me. And did so for a number of years.

In fact, it got so bad, I ended up $90,000 in debt, was forced to drive a beat up Ford Laser ...and lived in a miniscule apartment with no wallpaper or carpet!
But I perservered, knowing that eventually something had to change, if I kept on pushing.

And, finally it did 3 years later... at precisely 2.24pm on the 27th October 2008.
By random chance I ran across an online business training membership which was run by Steve Clayton.

I was a little hesitant to join at first because up until that point, I had wasted a ludicrous amount of money on information products - and they clearly hadn't done me any good at all!

But something felt different about this, and after some contemplation, I decided to give it a try and join.


Boy am I glad I did!

In fact...

Literally within 10 minutes of becoming a member and after watching the introductory video, I finally understood where I had been going wrong for all those years...

...But better than that, not only was it made clear to me what I had been doing incorrectly, I was given a direct path out of the darkness and into the light.

I was given a real plan, with a defined structure and a PROVEN way forward.

This was the point at which my days of near-fruitless experimentation was thankfully at an end.

In the coming weeks and months, my online earnings took a DRAMATIC turn for the best, and within a remarkably short time...

Things continued on the up, and soon enough I was able to quit my day job and proceeded to travel round the world  (while continuing to run my internet business from a laptop).

Finally I was where I wanted to be. In just 12 months, I went from impending disaster to achieving:
...and again, that was 100% down to the help of the training, tools and community in Steve's membership program.

If I had not stumbled across it, god knows where I would be now.
See, as I discovered, when you have the right plan, have the right focus and are aided with support and coaching from people who have been there and have done it all before, there is no limit to what is possible.

And I'm living proof of this.

My business continued to grow to 7 figures per year and I actually ended up merging my business with Steve's business in 2013.

Last year our business generated almost $7 million dollars - and just take a look at some of the recent results we have had from our various online businesses...
Now, here is the good news...

That membership program that I joined
all those years ago, still exists today.

In fact, I have been running it and building it up with Steve for the past 4 years, and I want to tell you a little bit about it today.

omc logo 

The aim of Online Marketing Classroom is simple:

To provide you with information and resources to accelerate and guide you to online business success.


  • - Training
  • - Tools
  • - Templates
  • - Blueprints
  • - Traffic Plans
  • - Services
  • - Community

But the way we do it is different to how you’ve probably learned online previously… you see, Online Marketing Classroom isn’t about ‘one off blueprints’ (how most people provide training online)…

… it’s a comprehensive curriculum.

There’s a reason why schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutes plan out detailed curriculums… THEY’RE MORE EFFECTIVE.

Introducing: Business Labs

The first major difference with Online Marketing Classroom is that we divide our training up into ‘Business Labs’.

Business Labs are specialized training zones that focus on one particular business model. Each Business Lab gives you:

  • - Training
  • - Tools
  • - Workshops
  • - PDF’s
  • - Examples
  • - And MUCH more, all related to a specific business model.

In total, we have SEVEN different Business Labs:

The Business Labs are built around key marketing resources and training -

Each Lab contains:


Let me ask...

Due to the fact that you are reading this page, I'm guessing that you probably fit into one of the following scenarios:

Now there are many elements of the Online Marketing Classroom members area, but one of the main things we do is to show you how to either:

Choose a new direction ...or  ...optimize your current direction

...and build a simple but highly effective strategic plan to achieve your financial goals, using one of our "success plans"

Allow me to give you a couple of examples...

 If you are in Scenario #1 and are a newbie starting from scratchOnline Marketing Classroom is essentially the ULTIMATE SHORTCUT you need to achieve financial success faster than you could ever imagine.

In this instance, you would probably want to start with our *** 60 Day Success Plan ***  which contains 6 main steps..
  • 1. Choose a Business Model
  • 2. Use the Business Labs to create your Plan
  • 3. Implement the 'Cashflow Cheatsheet'
  • 4. Use our expert training to drive traffic
  • 5. Use our tools to boost Conversions
  • 6. Get support from our community
Once completed, 60 days or sooner from today, you'll be making money. Then your next task would be to rinse and repeat, keep it simple, keep scaling and keep on increasing your monthly income until you get to where you want to be.
If you are in Scenario #2, and are already up and running, we will help you supercharge your business in 2017 and give you all the tools and resources to set it up for immense growth for years to come.
You could follow our *** 60 Day 'Supercharged' Success Plan *** which contains 4 main steps.
1, You've already got a 'recipe', but do you have the most effective growth plan? If not, we'll show you how to create that first.

2. Start increasing sales and profits by using:
a) Our Traffic Tools & Traffic Plans
b) Our Conversion Tools.

3. Improve your current Recipe using our training to take what you're doing to the next level.

4. Start to grow new income streams!
Of course, you may not need (or want) to follow a specific plan and may simply want to take advantage of the other membership area components individually, depending on your goals.

What's Inside Online Marketing Classroom?

Here's a full run down of what you will find inside the members area so you know exactly how you are getting today...

Live Classroom Training

We deliver cutting edge content via our live classroom training sessions EVERY single month. These workshops will assist you in ALWAYS keeping 100% up-to-date with the online landscape and one step ahead of your competition!
The focus of each workshop is on what strategies are working NOW, both for us in our own business, as well as in online marketing in general. You can replicate this information into your own business.

Each webinar is added to the member's area and will be available to download, in case you miss the "live event".

Of course, you will also receive the slides as well as any supplementary guides, spreadsheets and audio files. Examples of recent workshops include: 

You Tube optimization secrets for massive traffic
Secrets of scaling with social traffic
Making a killing with the world's biggest buyers engine
4 websites + 4 weeks = $100K per year (step by step)
Facebook traffic plan for niche websites


Cashflow Cheatsheets

If you need to launch a new way to bring in cash in a hurry  ...or if you want to quickly add an additional income stream to an existing business, these cheat sheets will provide the PLAN, the FORECAST, the BUDGET and the RECIPE for doing so.
They are incredibly comprehensive and will give the exact methods in a "do this ...do that" format so you will be able to implement the instructions at a rapid rate and start profiting from them as fast as possible.

We update or add additional Cheatsheets every 60 days, but as of today, the cheatsheets you will get instant access to are for the following business models:
Making Money with Affiliate Marketing ( 72 pages )
Selling Physical Products Via Amazon FBA (163 pages)
Selling Kindle eBooks (28 pages)
Making Money With Fiverr (46 pages)
Local SEM (Online Marketing) Consulting (110 pages)
Udemy Course Marketing (70 pages)
Selling Your Own Information Products (103 pages)


Traffic Cheatsheets

As we know, traffic is the life blood of the internet and it is an absolute fact that no matter how brilliant a service, product or business is, if no one knows about it, it will end in disaster 100% of the time.

Lack of traffic is the #1 reason why people fail to breakthrough online, and that is why over the past few months we have been hard at work producing a series of EXTREMELY high quality step-by-step traffic plans based on EXACTLY what is working in our own business.

We will be sending you a new or updated 'Traffic Cheatsheet' every 60 days which you can take full and immediate advantage of to increase the exposure, revenue and profits of your business, no matter what model you are following and what you are selling.



The Toolbox

We have been developing our software suite for years and you will get instant access to the full 'All Star' lineup with immediate effect.
We constantly develop & roll out new functionality and have a team of in-house programmers dedicated to development who track what is working and changing to keep the software as effective as possible.

Here is a selection of some of the Online Marketing Classroom software...
"Crowdforce" is ONLY available with an Online Marketing Classroom membership and is not for sale to the rest of the world.

CrowdForce SOLVES the traffic problem - in fact, using it guarantees REAL free targeted TRAFFIC by using a series of automated systems that we have been optimizing and developing over the past two years.

With CrowdForce you do the work ONCE, and get automated traffic forevermore! We (along with our members) use this tool EVERY single day and make a TON of money with it. The actual details of how CrowdForce works and what it does is strictly members-only information! That is all we can say about it on this public webpage!

Bounce Breaker allows you to effortlessly convert more of your visitors to money by deploying three separate tools...
1. The Pop-Up 
This tool allows you to display dynamic and customized pop-up message boxes on your websites. It's the ideal way to recycle exiting traffic and also allows you to seamlessly build an email list. 
2. The Attention Grabber 
The Attention Grabber software allows you to build slick 'floating banners' that hover in the corners of your website. Select from a range of pre-made designs, or dynamically build your own. 
3. The Billboard 
Billboard Bars sit nicely at the top or bottom of your web page, and allow clickable messages to follow visitors throughout your website. Billboards are ideal for list building and for re-directing traffic to your most lucrative pages. 


CrowdForce and Bounce Breaker are just scratching the surface of what is included in the Online Marketing Classroom software suite. Here are some other tools that you will get instant access to... 
Domains on Fire is a real-time research tool for finding recently expired (or about to expire) domain names that rank (or ranked) in the top 10 of Google for certain keywords with high traffic and commercial intent. Once you find a domain, you then register it and either flip it or re-rank it for profit.    

We have recently released this amazing new software tool into Online Marketing Classroom which randomly plucks out potentially profitable ecommerce niches in a matter of seconds. No matter if you sell products via Amazon or through your own eCommerce store, you will find this tool totally invaluable!    

An incredibly powerful tool that helps you uncover profitable keywords for your niche as well as analyzing the backlinks for all the websites that rank in Google for each of these keywords. With this information, you can then try to secure similar backlinks for your website, or search for similar backlinks using CrowdForce.  
Ebook LaunchPad is a premium, all-in-one suite of tools for Kindle which will help you make more money selling your digital books on Amazon's marketplace of rabid buyers. Tools include a niche detective, a description generator, a BSR tracker, a book formatting tool...and more!    

Although having Trust Seals on your site can TRIPLE your conversions, they can cost (when getting all 3 types) over $1000 per year PER WEBSITE if you buy through the big brands! Well, NOW you can get them (and as many as you like for as many sites as you like) at ZERO cost as a perk of being an Online Marketing Classroom member.    

FunnelizerPRO is a plugin we have been have been developing to make it easier to grow an email list. It allows you to setup simple (yet powerful) squeeze pages on any WordPress installation. We all know that the money is in the email list. Funnelizer PRO makes it easy to build your list fast!    

In addition to all these tools and services, we will also be releasing FIVE new Conversion Tools in the next few months and also have some VERY cool new functionality in the pipeline for some of the existing tools.


Private Community

We are going to hold you by the hand and guide you every step of the way via our private Facebook community and support system.
We have a full team of mentors and experts ready to help you and they are active on a daily basis.

The reality is that having access to people who have been there and done it, who have tried and tested everything, and who know what works (and what doesn't) is one of the most valuable aspects of the membership as it will save you time, save you money and help you get to where you want to be as quickly  as humanly possible.

Of course, the above is literally scratching the surface of what is included in the Online Marketing Classroom + members area. I haven't even mentioned advantages such as...
...which contains a hand-picked selection of articles, videos and quick-fire manuals showing you how to implement a variety of everyday tasks you will likely perform in your online business.

...Tasks like learning how to upload files using FTP... writing attention-grabbing press releases...  doing effective split testing... video creation.. and much more.

In fact, we CONSTANTLY add new - How To tutorials every single month.

In addition, we also have regular "surprises", contests, industry expert guests and more...

So... hopefully as you can see...

What you will be receiving when you become a coverted member of Online Marketing Classroon is OFF-THE-CHARTS.

...and like I said, no matter whether you are just starting out, or if you are building up a current business, you NEED to be a part of this!

Let's return quickly to those 3 crucial components you need in order to have a successful online business...
You get it all.

....and if you think about what each individual piece included in Online Marketing Classroon is actually worth in the real world, you will be able to clearly see the colossal value of what is included.

In fact, if we were to sell each element separately, the figures would stack up like this...

Then of course, there is the private community and support which is valued at thousands of dollars each year (and by the way, we usually sell private coaching for $12,000 per year, and the attention you are getting here, in truth, is not far short of that)

So to sum it all up...
The Actual Value of Online Marketing Classroom is Approaching $16,000
So, I presume the question you are asking now, is what does membership cost?

Well, first let me tell you that the above figure is the REAL value of an Online Marketing Classroom membership.

However, if you put your foot in the door today, you're not going to have to pay anywhere near that amount.

So... for a very limited time you can get started today (and receive FULL, INSTANT access to EVERYTHING) for...

 ...a special introductory price of just $97
OMC buy

Here are 7 very good reasons why you should secure your membership today:


If you are just starting out, using our "success plans" will be without doubt the FASTEST way to create a profitable and sustainable 'worth doing' online business that generates consistent monthly income and is actually something you can be proud to tell your friends and family about.
If you want to boost the traffic, sales and profits of an existing online business or simply add another bow to your current income streams, our cutting-edge training and 10+ years of online business experience will help you achieve your goals faster than you can possibly imagine.
You will get unrestricted and on-going access to our suite of proprietary software tools and services worth thousands of dollars each year. All our tools are built by our in-house programmers and are designed to save you time, make you more money and supercharge your online business.
You'll get instant access to our Cashflow and Traffic Cheatsheets so that you can to cut through all the noise and BS out there and start generating income as quickly as possible using strategies that actually WORK.
We will hold you by the hand whenever you need it and guide you every step of the way via our private community and support system. We have a full team of mentors and experts ready and waiting to help you.
You'll be getting constant updates, with new tools, software, training, webinars as well as additional updates and opportunities to generate income, delivered to you every single month.
There are NO upsells and nothing else to buy. Online Marketing Classroon is one complete package and we will continue to keep you updated on all the latest strategies, ideas, developments and technologies, as they become available.


That's right -- Do NOT delay on this decision
as we only allow a certain number of members at any one time, and once we reach our quota (and we are pretty close to it right now) we CLOSE the doors - and they usually stay shut for 6 to 12 months once that happens...

....meaning, if this is of interest to you (and we're pretty sure that it should be) then you need to take action right now.
In addition, and for total piece of mind, we also have a 30 day money back guarantee policy.. If you are not happy, we don't want your money. We will return it - no questions asked.

Get in there now... watch all the videos, follow the plans, listen to the training webinars and use the software with no restrictions... and if you are not TOTALLY convinced by the income pulling power of being part of our community, we'll speedily refund every penny of your investment.

No quibbles. No questions. Ever.

You are either experiencing incredible success or we will buy your membership back off you, no questions asked.

OMC buy
Click the "Add to Cart" button and we look forward to meeting you on the other side.

Aidan Booth & Steven Clayton

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