Last week, I deleted HUNDREDS of emails without thinking twice. Some weeks, I’m sure it’s in the thousands (especially around the holidays).
You probably do the same. We all do.
But every single week, there are always one or two emails that stop me cold.
- They grab my attention and stop me cold
- I open them immediately
- I read every word and click the links inside
It’s rare, but these emails are almost impossible NOT to read.
After studying my own behavior (and sending millions of emails over the past decade), I noticed something fascinating…
These “must-open” emails all follow the exact same formula. A simple set of rules that almost guarantee they’ll get opened, read, and clicked.
Why am I talking to you about email marketing today?

There is no other marketing channel that makes me consistent revenue quite like email marketing. I’ve been doing it for 19 years now and it continues to be one of the BIGGEST keys to my success (and the success of all my businesses).
No matter what kind of online business you run – affiliate marketing, eCommerce, ANYTHING – you can benefit from email marketing.
And today, I’m going to show you the 5 rules that INSTANTLY improve how your emails perform. These are the same rules that have helped me generate millions in sales through email marketing alone.
Let’s dive in…
Rule #1: Focus ONLY On Getting The Click
Here’s the biggest mistake I see people make with their emails…
They try to sell the entire product right there in the message. Once you try and do too much in an email, you’ll lose the reader.
Your only goal is to get the reader interested enough to click through to learn more.
That’s it.
Every successful email I open has 3-5 strategically placed links, each one making me curious to discover more.
They’re not pushing for the sale – they’re pulling me in with intrigue.
The email is just one step in your funnel. Let the next page get the sale or the conversion. The ONLY job of the email is to get the click.
Rule #2: Target ONE Specific Issue (Nothing More)
The second these emails try to solve multiple problems at once, I hit delete.
The best emails laser-focus on a single pain point or desire.
If you’re teaching woodworking, focus on one specific technique. If you’re selling health products, tackle one specific problem.
Here’s an example.
Let’s say you’re in the diet and fitness niche and want to talk about a new “superfood.” Don’t talk about the ENTIRE diet. Just focus on that ONE ingredient. Make that one issue feel real and urgent – then offer a clear solution.
If you try to do too much, you’ll just confuse the reader. Stay focused.
Rule #3: Write Like We're Friends
Nobody wants to read corporate jargon in their inbox.
The emails I always open? They sound like they’re from a friend sharing interesting news.
Think "water cooler talk" – casual, comfortable, and easy to understand. Drop the fancy marketing speak. Write like you’re chatting with a buddy over coffee.
The moment an email starts sounding like a boardroom presentation, it’s going straight to trash.
People’s attention spans are extremely short and there are always new emails flooding into their inboxes. If you grab their attention, don’t let go.
Rule #4: Tell Me A Story
Look at the emails you can’t resist opening. I bet 99% of them start with a story.
Because humans are hardwired for storytelling. We’ve been sharing stories around campfires for thousands of years. Our brains literally light up when we hear a good one.
The best part?
Your story doesn’t need to be extraordinary. Sometimes the simplest stories are the most powerful – as long as they connect with your reader’s situation.
In fact, simple and relatable stories are some of the best things you can use in your emails. The more your audience relates to you, the more they trust you.
Rule #5: Don't Forget Your Customers
Here’s a million-dollar secret: Most marketers focus all their energy on new prospects, completely ignoring their existing customers.
Big mistake.
It’s FAR easier to sell to someone who’s already bought from you than to convert a new prospect. These people already trust you. They’ve already pulled out their credit card once.
Here’s what to do…
- Write separate email sequences for your buyers.
- Show them how to get the most from their purchase.
- Offer exclusive deals.
- Make them feel special.
Some of my biggest revenue days have come from emails sent exclusively to existing customers.
The Real Secret? Consistency
Here’s what makes these rules so powerful – they work together. Each one builds on the next.
You tell a story (Rule #4) that focuses on one specific problem (Rule #2), write it like you’re talking to a friend (Rule #3), include a few strategic links (Rule #1), and customize it for different segments of your list (Rule #5).
The second you start doing that, you’re almost destined to have more success with your emails.
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