How I Finally Escaped My 9-to-5 Life (Here’s The Template)…

7 Hacks That Finally Helped Me Escape My 9-to-5 Life…

Twenty years ago, my alarm would go off at 4:30 AM.

Every single morning.

I had exactly 3 hours before I needed to leave for my day job. I was still stuck in the 9-to-5 “grind.”

Those precious morning hours were all I had to build my dream of running my own online business.

Here’s the thing about having limited time – it forces you to get LASER focused on what matters. When you only have 3 hours, you can’t waste time scrolling social media or “organizing” your desktop for the fifth time that week.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve built multiple 7-figure businesses, sold over $100M in products online, and helped thousands of entrepreneurs achieve their own success.

But something interesting happened when I finally quit my 9-to-5…

Suddenly, I had ALL the time in the world.

  • No boss.
  • No schedule.
  • No commute.

And you know what?

That actually made it HARDER to be productive.

Without the structure of limited time, it became way too easy to procrastinate. To put things off. To get distracted by “busy work” that wasn’t actually moving the needle.

That’s when I developed a system.

A set of productivity principles that helped me stay focused and get more done – whether I was working three hours a day or 13.

Even now, two decades later, I find myself coming back to these same principles again and again.


Because they flat-out WORK.

Today, I want to share 7 of my most powerful productivity tips with you. These aren’t just theories – they’re self-tested strategies I’ve used to build multiple successful businesses.

And the best part?

They work whether you’re still in the 9-to-5 grind, making the transition to entrepreneurship, or already running your own empire.

Let’s dive in…

#1: Know The Order of “Value”

One of the biggest game-changers in my business has been understanding that not all tasks are created equal.

I break everything down into three distinct levels:

  • High Value Tasks – These are the real money-makers. They’re activities that create income-producing assets. In my case, this includes things like launching new physical products on Amazon, developing software tools, or creating digital products that generate passive income.
  • Second Highest Value Tasks – These directly contribute to revenue but aren’t necessarily creating assets. Think marketing videos or crafting sales emails.
  • Low Value Tasks – These need to be done but don’t directly generate income. Monthly accounting is a perfect example.

Here’s my secret…

I try to outsource everything except the high-value tasks. This lets me focus on what truly moves the needle in my business. It’s a formula that’s worked incredibly well for me for years now.

#2: Eliminate Negative Value Tasks

This one was a hard lesson to learn.

There are certain activities that give you the illusion of being productive while actually keeping you stuck.

I’m talking about:

  • Excessive social media time
  • Over-optimizing website design
  • Constantly consuming educational content without taking action

These tasks feel productive in the moment, but they’re actually holding you back. They’re not just low value – they’re negative value. They steal time from activities that could actually grow your business.

#3: Master Time Blocking

This is how I structure every single workday. I treat tasks like doctor’s appointments, blocking out specific times on my calendar for each activity.

From 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, I might be working on content creation.

From 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, it could be product development.

This takes your to-do list to the next level by giving each task a specific time slot. It’s not just something you hope to get done – it’s an appointment with yourself.

#4: Set Time Limits for Everything

This is crucial because of something called Parkinson’s Law – work expands to fill the time available.

I learned this lesson back in my university days.

When I had assignments, they would always fill up right until the last day, and I’d be hustling to finish at the deadline. I see the same pattern in online business all the time.

By setting strict time limits, you force yourself to focus and get things done efficiently.

Without them, tasks can drag on indefinitely.

#5: Publicly Announce Your Plans

Want to get something done? Make procrastination impossible.

Here’s a real example from my business: When launching new products, I announce the launch date publicly to our email list and customers. Once it’s out there, I HAVE to deliver. I’ve made this commitment public with my friends, family, and business partners.

It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you eliminate the option of backing out. This forces you to take massive action and do whatever it takes to get the task done.

#6: Create a Resourceful State of Mind

This is about getting into that zone where you feel like anything is possible. We’ve all experienced it – that state of mind where you’re completely focused and productive.

The key is understanding what gets you there. It’s different for everyone, but common triggers include:

  • Physical workouts
  • Music
  • Journaling
  • Strong coffee

Find what works for you and use it strategically.

#7: Identify and Eliminate Negative Triggers

Finally, you need to understand what brings you down and kills your productivity.

For me, exhaustion is a big one.

When I notice it affecting my work, I know I need to prioritize rest and give myself time to decompress and recharge.

Other common triggers can include:

  • Toxic relationships
  • Various forms of stress
  • Taking on too many projects at once

The key is taking an objective look at your situation and deliberately making positive improvements.

Remember, you don’t need to implement all these tips at once. Start with one or two that resonate most with you. That’s exactly what I did when I was working that 9-to-5 job, and these principles have served me well through building multiple successful online businesses.

The beauty of these tips is their timelessness. Whether you’re just starting out or running a successful business, they continue to be relevant. I still use them every single day.

Want to put these productivity tips into action right away?

Here’s something that can help…

One of the biggest time-wasters I see entrepreneurs struggle with is trying to build websites and funnels from scratch. That’s exactly why we created PixaPage – our all-in-one site and funnel builder.

  • Instead of spending hours figuring out complicated tech…
  • Instead of paying thousands to developers…
  • Instead of watching endless tutorials…

You can have your entire business up and running in minutes.

PixaPage lets you focus on those high-value tasks we talked about earlier, while taking care of all the technical heavy lifting for you.

Start your FREE 14-day trial of PixaPage right here!


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